Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Los Monos en Gibraltar

These are the infamous monkeys that live on the Rock of Gibraltar. There are over 200 of them living on that rock. We were warned that they are aggressive thieves and will bite so we shouldn't touch them. They didn't try to steal anything from us and only begged like a dog at the bus drivers that come up there regularly with tourists. They were more afraid of us than anything, especially the babies. The older monkeys were accustomed to all the tourists and weren't too bothered by us. Finally Juliana got brave and touched one of the baby monkeys and it jumped over on her head. So we got our shot that we wanted with her camera. Then it was my turn and the little baby jumped on to my head. Then the tour guide said "everybody back on the bus" and so I needed to get the lil guy off without getting bit. He didn't want to move so Juliana tried to help me get him off and got bit on the hand. Luckily it didn't break the skin otherwise who knows what kind of disease she could have contracted. It did leave a mark tho. Then the monkey decided to get down but by swinging from my hair like tarzan. It was great!! Too bad we didn't get THAT on video.

But what you will notice from the video is that these monkeys have some serious fleas. Its cute though how they all take care of each other and groom their friends and family..while also having a snack. The snacking part is kinda gross. Buen provecho!!!

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