Sunday, March 27, 2011


Los caracoles aka snails are in season here in Cordoba and there are about 30 stands around town selling cups of snails. Its very common right now to see people sitting outside in the sun sipping beers and eating cups of snails. One type is very small and in a broth with spearmint and the other type is bigger and is in a salsa with cumin. I tried the big ones only because I didn't want to order my own and that is what the people at my table were eating. Everyone says the small ones taste better tho. As, you can see from the expression on my face in the video I was absolutely disgusted. Mainly because I have had a phobia my whole life involving slugs and snails. In my opinion they are slimy, disgusting blobs of flesh and I still can't believe I ate one. Yuck!! BUT I must say the flavor wasn't bad. There was a little issue for me however with the texture and my mind taking over. I felt as tho I could feel the antennaes and head kind of crunching in my mouth. Just a tiny crunch but nevertheless a crunch. Ya feel me? And with my imagination playing tricks on me, I gagged pretty good. I apologize for the video being sideways but the lady filming didn't know what she was doing and I was too overwhelmed by the whole experience to help her get it right.


  1. Hola Jessey! No sé si te acuerdas de mi, pero hemos tendido unas de las mismas clases en CWU. No sabía que tu estabas en España!! El profesor Lee me dio el link para tu blog, porque el proxímo año yo estaré en Andalucía con el mismo programa! :D Btw, I love your snail video... I would have much difficulty eating them too!

  2. Hey Zosha!! Of course I remember you. You're Spanish was supergood. That is awesome that you are doing the same program as me nxt year. I may also be here again next year in Cordoba. I am all set to return basically, I just have to decide if that is what I want and if that is what is best for me for next year. Thanx for checkin out the blog. I will try to not be so lazy with it so that you can see some new stuff.

  3. Haha wonderful! I love the blog so far, the recipes and pictures are great. Keep me updated about next year, and I'll let you know when I hear my placement. Enjoy yourself over there!

  4. Nice job on facing your fears and trying that snail! I don't think I could've done that. You look amazing, even sideways. ;-)

  5. Thanx ladies. My face says it all. I just couldnt hide the fact that I was repulsed by the snails. I tried to be polite but just couldnt. Zosha, definitely let me know when u get ur placement. I am supercurious.
