Thursday, September 16, 2010

Madrid, First Impressions

We arrived at 8:30 am Madrid time. The outskirts as we flew in looked something like parts California or Eastern Washington, dry. Then, we spent about 2 hrs navigating the airport and subway system to get to our hostel. When we surfaced from the subway after toting 80 lbs of luggage a piece, and this includes up flights of stairs mind you , it was such a pleasant surprise. Although it was raining and cloudy, the sunny colors of the buildings and beautiful architecture made us giddy with excitement. The orange, lemon and peach colored buildings made the rain and gloom seem sunny and happy in spite. The flowers blooming over iron terraces in nearly every window didn't hurt either. To look down the narrow cobble stone streets and see these rows of gigantic fruit colored buildings with flowers adorning their terraces was just what I needed to renew my faith that I am going to love this place. And speaking of fruit...I may have had the best orange of my life yesterday. Outside of a little convenient store specializing in fruit were these great looking oranges. I know they grow oranges here in Spain so I thought I'd better try one since they aren't likely imported like in Washington State. This sucker was so juicy it dripped all down my elbows(and you know how I feel about food that drips down your elbows) and SO tart. It wasn't sweet so much as vibrant and tart like a orange SHOULD its filled with Vitamin C goodness. I will be eating a lot of oranges here I have a feeling.

After a small siesta(we were exhausted from jetlag and toting the luggage all over town), we hung out in the common area of the hostel. It was packed. A lot of foreigners but also a lot of Spaniards. A group of Spaniard guys, that I think must work for the hostel, were making and showing off their silver jewelry collections made from sterling. And there were bottles of red wine everywhere. Also, there was a big silver bowl on a little table with a small plastic dixie cup for a ladle. As suspected, it was full of sangria over ice. I had a few glasses and by 11pm I was shot. After a long day of navigating, trying to speak and understand this rapid Spanish and walking the city I was ready to hit the pillow. Nevermind the fact that we had a 15 hour flight and had been up for almost 2 days and nights in a row. Buenas noches Madrid. I slept like a baby.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love you! So glad you made it and so glad you stayed awake (aside from your mini siesta)...have a great day tomorrow!
