Thursday, November 4, 2010

Private English Lessons aka Clases Particulares

Lately I have been just SHOCKED at how well things are coming together for me here. I wasn't sure in the beginning because everything seemed so hard. From the locks on the doors to the bus systems and trying to get an apartment..everything took so much effort. Things that used to seem easy to me were all of the sudden hard, due to the language barrier and the fact that they just doing things differently when you're on the other side of the world. Plus, I had left behind so much family and so many friends and even my Bianca and Carlito. I truly discovered what it felt like to be lonely.

BUT... over the last couple weeks, things have really started to fall into place. And when I say "fall into place", I mean just that. With no effort on my part at all hardly, people are calling me to go have coffee and have intercambios (language exchanges) it seems everyday. Also, I am recieveing many phone calls to inquire about teaching private English lessons to people's children. I had been under the assumption that I would have to advertise by placing posters in cafes or have business cards printed up in order to drum up some business for private lessons. I can honestly say that I haven't done A THING to drum up business. They come to me. It is fabulous. From the day I started teaching at my school people have asked me if I was interested in teaching their children English at their home for side work. Of course I said "yes" because I can definately use the money for travel and what not. I wasn't sure how serious these people were though until my phone started ringing off the hook. I basically have 8 children now that I will be teaching English to...weekly. This is at least an extra 250€ a month that I can put in my travel fund. I could do more clases particulares but I want to save my 3 day weekends for going out of town and what not, plus I want to take advantage of this new laid back lifestyle that I am enjoying here in Spain. I don't want to come all the way here just to turn into the same crazy americana who overbooks herself and doesn't really enjoy the moments. That being said, I will have to start turning people away now. I hate to have to do that but I really want to enjoy being tranquila and have time to enjoy this precious gift. I am truly living a charmed life.


  1. I love how you write. It sure catches my attention.
    I'm so happy for you. It is neat to know that you are getting to teach English to 8 children.
    Keep looking forward to each new day and all that it has to offer you.
    It is nice to live a slower life style.
    I'm glad you realize you have a charmed life. Praise God.

  2. Yes, Grams I do realize that. I am enjoying each moment, each sunset, each lesson, each experience. I think YOU taught me how to do that. Love ya!!! besitos
